Monday, June 1, 2009

Me, Myself and I

Really, truly being alone is bittersweet. Sometimes you're grateful for all of the alone time you have, and other times you have to remind yourself that only boring people get bored and invent something magical to do. Sometimes you are proud of yourself for being the best date you could ever ask for and other times you ache to share these experiences with someone you love. Sometimes the freedom is, well, freeing. Other times you wish you could remember what your ring tone sounds like. The things I've done alone since I've been in Eugene include, but aren't limited to:

-Going to a Decemberists concert at the McDonald Theatre
-Hiking Spencer's Butte
-Riding my bicycle along the Willamette
-Grabbing a spontaneous beer at a brew pub
-Weeding the back yard (the perfect gardening task for someone with a black thumb)
-Going to a bicycle shop for the first time in my life
-Dancing in my underwear in the living room
-Trying the coffee at the Wandering Goat
-Searching unsuccessfully for books on tape at the library
-Consuming wood-fired pastries with soy latte from Hideaway Bakery
-Going to a David Sedaris reading

The truth of the matter is that I am, indeed, a fantastic date, but sometimes I wish I wasn't the only person in Eugene to know this.

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