Monday, February 16, 2009

Step It Up, Obama

President's Day is here again. I'm sure miss Libby is celebrating this joyous occasion wrapped in an American flag and exchanging presidential trivia with all who will engage. Without Sara here to show me how to rock this holiday, I've taken it to the internet. In truth, I've let my economy-obsessed father take it to the internet, and have inquired on the fruits of his labor. Today I would like to call attention to FDR, who stepped in as our 32nd president amidst the first Great Depression. Here is a speech he gave after his first term.

"We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob." -Franklin D. Roosevelt

Faced with a grim economic climate, FDR brought Unemployment Insurance and Social Security to the table. I'm still waiting on my main man Obama to tell the bankers they are all a bunch of hooligans and we are nationalizing our banks. FDR would have.

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