Wednesday, August 8, 2012

It's Easy

I want to remind myself (and all of us) how easy it is to be happy. Be who you are, choose what feels good, and dance. Always dance.

photos © Ivar Vong

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Missing the Mustache

Poster for my bedroom wall, inspired by a text from the boyfriend, who always seems to be out of town.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Weathering the Weather

The sun disappears for most of the winter here. You just have to keep right on living, knowing that it's still there, that it's waiting for the moment when you really can't take the gray for one more day, that it will show up when you need it the most. This is the way it is. Periods of gray can can be brutal. Broken relationships, crappy jobs, loss, injuries, heartache. You just have to keep going. Pretend like the sun is out, and do whatever it is you normally do. Embrace your support. Family, friends, hugs, and little daily joys will be your mud boots, down vest and rain coat. Just keep walking, running, working, riding, hiking, trying. Pretend you enjoy it until you actually DO enjoy it. The sun is still there, and it will show up. The perfect job, a new friend, a vacation, a boyfriend (or girlfriend) that brings you flowers and tea in the morning. When the rays finally do hit your face you have GOT to take the time to sit and enjoy. Bask in the way it makes you forget it ever left, take a deep breath and enjoy the warmth. It's so much better after the rain, it's always worth the wait.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Where IS Heidi?

Where have I been? I have been happy. I have been learning how to ask and how to listen. I have been trusting my instincts and being pleasantly surprised by the outcome. I have been taking it slow and growing at a rapid pace. I have been laughing and breathing and drinking lots of water. I have been loving and loved. I have also just eaten an entire box of triple ginger snaps. Happy 2012 everyone! May this year bring you knowledge, growth, health, love, and delicious cookies.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Love to Run, Run to Love

I quit trail running a couple of years ago. I'm sure I had some sort of "logical" reason at the time... shin splints... poison oak... inconvenience... but the truth is, it was hard. It was just hard. Today I woke up and decided that it wasn't hard, and I believe I just went on the best run of my life. It was steep, I was fast (faster than when I used to run this particular trail every day), and I was smiling the whole way. Did I mention I have been drinking a ton and not sleeping this whole wonderful wedding weekend? Oh, and that the snot pouring out of my nose on this run probably indicates that I'm sick? I decided that I am not sick, I have tons of energy, and that I love to run.

There's a tingly feeling I get sometimes when I am doing yoga. It's a lovely mixture of exhaustion and exhilaration and I savor it every time it takes me over. Today I realized I get the same feeling when I run but I have been associating it only with the exhaustion and have been leaving out the exhilaration, because running is supposed to be hard. I let the exhilaration in and it payed off in a big way. Where else have I, you, we been leaving out the exhilaration? Embrace the joy when life has you breathing heavy, cramping up, dripping snot, because that's what we're here to do. I love to run, running is easy, and running is returning the favor by teaching me how to love this life that is supposed to be hard, but can actually be easy if you let yourself feel the joy.

Monday, September 12, 2011

You're Doin' Great!

Today I feel weird, not weird as in the-full-moon-is-making-everyone-crazy (that was yesterday) and not weird as in I'm-going-to-do-something-extreme-like-the-master-cleanse, more weird as in I'm-going-to-write-my-first-blog-in-months, or weird as in I'm-confused-as-to-why-I-don't-feel-mind-blowingly-awesome. And I guess that's what it comes down to... I don't feel great but I don't feel bad. Maybe that's the point. To remain in a blissful state so that your "down" days are still better than bad. This summer has been supremely satisfying and here is some evidence;

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hearts of Gold

i can't remember the last time i received as many compliments as i did last night and from so many amazing humans. i also can't think of a better compliment than "you are a giant ball of awesomeness."

thank you thank you my friends, old and new
balls of awesomeness, all of you.